Monday, November 22, 2010

Thank you to my leftist socialist jewish parents.

Training my First Foal
First and above all else my mom  did yoga with me and gave me the money as a teenager to go to India to study yoga and play with guru's. Even as a baby she  did games with yoga poses. Headstands and lotus poses were good fun. Better yet she continually expressed and shared yogic philosophy of acceptance and love and seeing god in everything.She paid for and signed the permission slip for me to do my first teacher training in my early teens
2years with our truck that later became mine gave me little army soldiers and cut all the guns off and showed me how peaceful protest worked cowboy and indians were always missing weapons and the Indians were the wise people standing up for there rights and the cowboys protected there rights or were banished as bad cowboys
3..You took me to civil rights demonstrations and thank you thank you for taking me to the people park demonstration and allowing me to pick the flowers and put them in the soldiers guns.
4.Helping me to bun my draft card
5.Allowing me with my girlfriend to lose our virginity in our big family bed while they all went camping
6.When our school banned bellbottoms she sewed buttons on my bellbottoms so they looked narrow when I folded them over and buttoned them.
7.8. Loving my baby even though I was still a teenager myself
10.Taking me to see hair the musical
3 years riding my first horse Sparky
11.never hitting me 
12. you let me play with troll dolls and allowed me to love the bourgeois trips to Disneyland I loved. shared with me and it stayed embedded in me a love for the beach and the ocean we both loved it so much,especially Waikiki,sunset,and waiameha.
14.Passing on to me your crazy psychic ways of looking at life . Aliens to Tarot .  Yes the cup is always mostly full never almost empty.
15. Being so stubborn and determined that you survived the camps.

Now a list of a few things Im not totally impressed with that my parents led me into and cost me so much money in therapy and Yoga Teacher Training.

1.Mostly even the bad stuff I see now as keeping me on my path and getting me where I am and where I am I like a lot. However a few things are below
2. Making get up every morning at 4am to feed the horses and after school  muck out stalls,brush horses that were to big for a little kid,carry and move huge irrigation pipes on hot days and lifting huge hay bales . Paint fences and practice my riding skill daily and then taking me to swim practice you worked me bloody hard
3. I know it was from love all the homemade clothing and catalogue orders but I found out at 12 we were bloody rich and we could of gone anywhere and purchased anything in our dreams.Yes thrift is good to learn but a bit of shoppin madness never goes astray
4.They only showed me how to spend a million not make a million
5.They came after me and stopped me hitchhiking to Woodstock,even though I only made a few blocks I tried and a good effort at 11.
6.You gave me money for India but nothing in my successful bid for sole custody of my son and sadly you died when I needed you most raising him after his mom passed
7. Mom sorry but you married a whacko who screwed with all our heads.
8.You never warned me that just because Im to the left and feel all people are equal that a gang is a gang and no matter what colour they are it bloody hurts when they beat you up
9.Gandi was great mom but it didn't help with that bully that made my hell for several years.
10. Get This my hair is not the hair of a W.A.S.P. It is wavy and ethnic in a jewish way.Damn those nylons you made me wear over my head at night to flatten my hair.
Like my mom I am now a Yoga Teacher
11. I loved the country but the isolation from the world and friends was hard and boring. yes the hiking the wilderness was fun but lonely
12.I did not appreciate that it was good for me to ride my bike almost 8 mile to school everyday
13.Selling my fav horse without telling me the day before I was going to show in a big comp
14.When my horse broke it's leg I had take care of it and i was only 8 both died way to young and never got see how great my life is now and how happy I am and how great the yoga has gone and my wife Sydel and son Sanche you would of loved them so and how fantastic my older boy is doing in the world and I never got to say thankyou and I love you. My nest cobra pose is for you both.
Samuel Robert Weinstein

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