This is where it starts but it doesn’t end. 2010 a decade that for me seemed that it would never come. I mean 2010 sounded too square, too establishment, just not relevant to my wild life. In 1968 all many of us could envision into the future was 1980. Everyone I knew was off to India to find a new way. A change was coming , a new direction, after all the protests , rock festivals , love-ins and yes often failed dreams of revolution, flower power and free love.
Of course the path to India was not totally clear at first. While the summer of love was now a sleepy winter it was remembered and had left in many of us a deep desire. At first School and university were a way to fill the void. While school did what it should do, the void got bigger. Suddenly I heard a call , “Surf’s Up” and I found my self with my first experience of a Guru. No not “Lord Shiva” but “Lord Blue Pacific Ocean” from Ocean Beach to Laguna Beach and on to the great God himself “Sunset Beach”. This was truly a life style I could happily live , my own blue ocean nirvana . Life is on. As things go , a chance meeting on a road trip in our Blue Kombi changed the path. In a field a group of people the likes of which I had not come upon before greeted me with hugs , clear hearts and eyes. They invited me to join in their yoga and meditation class and the deed was done, my path had arrived and I was soon off to India.
My hair grew and grew and my mind in the meditations of many an ashram became calmer and expanded. My Yoga Guru helped my body tone and grow and literally a deep sense of self came about. I walked thru villages, climbed over hilly ranges , swam in rivers and slept in jungle . I found amazing families in old mansions who welcomed me with open arms into these ancient homes. Teaching me of other cultures and ways of accepting and giving . Finally it was time to leave beloved India. For a while I tried farming in the wilds of North America with chickens ,wheat, and all that was Organic. I led a true cowboy life on the range riding my horse , but fate was to finally take me home.
This brings me to this moment yes it’s 2010 and I have a lovely wife Sydel of 25 years and two wild son’s who are writers and artist in there own path. I still or once again have long hair and life has been good with a few hard blows. Like my family before me where so many died in those camps . Out of the grief of the passing of Mother, Father, sister, child, first wife much wisdom has come. A big accident to my body has left me with a few challenges and a road to recovery that I still am following. New family and new love and new friends have made life Good. Yes I am!
I have found my road and it is yoga and meditation and truth. So here I sit and its 2010 and life is really good and full of yes , tomorrow. I have a great yoga school with so many great students. Today it opens a new door that in the days of flower power would have been a figment of our meditations . Our new website The Home Of Yoga will expand who I can share my journey with . Of course my yoga class will still be the great place I can “give “ to people but now I can share with the entire cyber world and open up yoga and meditation or a least the invitation of yoga to anyone who clicks our buttons.
I’m a bit of a writer of stories so please read my stories and poems and blogs hopefully they will bring some joy and a touch of mysticism or at least some fun. My articles about yoga hopefully can open up light on many yoga subjects. We also will present you with many articles about yoga and things related to yoga that we feel to be important. So keep abreast of what lies behind the button Deepen Your Yoga as its full of really important yoga words that we feel should stand out a bit from all the other wonderful yoga articles… Behind not door number 3 but the button “Yoga News” will be all the latest articles and news from the yoga world. Then There is Sam’s Yoga Words a series of Blogs where I can have some great fun. “Dear Diary” is our own version of the ever-popular reality shows only this one is about life as a yoga teacher. Then there is my fantasy piece “Grandpa’s Porch” set in the future and looking back in a way to share an important dharma or value or way of life. Don’t worry there will be all kinds of other stories and poems and more. If you want to hear more about families and babies and attachment parenting that journey and articles and blogs can be found at
If you find a few spelling mistakes or commas that have gone a bit astray,what to do so be it . Find me an agent and an editor that can always make my words perfect and can also publish the book I’m writing about my family. “Secrets My Mother Never Told” a work in progress about another type of yoga. Then I can offer yoga to even more. Everyone Please now Breathe! Ah well I can always go Surfing.
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